Whatever pain, disappointment or setback we've experienced in life was never designed to take us out. It was actually designed to propel us into our destiny. Having not gone through certain experiences, we would never learn, grow or be able to help someone else. See, what I've learned is the things we go through is not really about us. It's about us being graced enough to handle it to teach/help someone else...so pull up a chair and let the session begin.
Monday, September 12, 2011
The Key To Everything
God is Love. And since God is the same yesterday, today and forevermore, God's definition of Love has not changed. According to His Word, Love is described as such in I Corinthians 13:4-8 4Love endures long and is patient and kind; love never is envious nor boils over with jealousy, is not boastful or vainglorious, does not display itself haughtily. 5It is not conceited (arrogant and inflated with pride); it is not rude (unmannerly) and does not act unbecomingly. Love (God's love in us) does not insist on its own rights or its own way, for it is not self-seeking; it is not touchy or fretful or resentful; it takes no account of the evil done to it [it pays no attention to a suffered wrong]. 6It does not rejoice at injustice and unrighteousness, but rejoices when right and truth prevail. 7Love bears up under anything and everything that comes, is ever ready to believe the best of every person, its hopes are fadeless under all circumstances, and it endures everything [without weakening]. 8Love never fails [never fades out or becomes obsolete or comes to an end].
I believe that if we operated within these guidelines or principles of Love, we would be quick to FORGIVE and we wouldn't be so afraid of "losing", meaning that if we GAVE love or anything of ourselves, whether it be tangible or not, we know and understand the Law of the land...Which is whatever a man sows that shall he also reap. So if there is a law already in operation which is "automatic", there is no need for us to "manually" manipulate it. So whatever it is that you are lacking today, Sow/GIVE that. If it's love... sow love, if it's finances... look for an opportunity to sow into someone or an organization that is making an impact helping/teaching/serving the needs of others, (for me I Tithe and Give to churches, Individuals and help support others dreams, visions, services or product via donations, purchase or by mention using different vehicles), if you're trying to build a Brand or a Business help someone else build theirs. I think we're starting to get the picture right? I am a living testament that sowing and reaping actually works. The key is to not look for your blessing to always come from the same field you've sown your seed in. I would be doing you a disservice if I didn't mention the other side of the equation. If we sow hate and discord, that's the harvest we'll reap. If we're tight fist and don't want to give, know that nothing will ever enter closed hands. Again, I think we get the picture. Until next time friends...Be Blessed...
Monday, August 29, 2011
Look Up & Smile
The more you look up, the more things will be looking up for you.
The more positive you are in a physical sense, the more positive your whole life is. Your mind, body and soul work together. It is difficult to be mentally, spiritually joyful and positive when you have a negative, lifeless mindset.
Conversely, when you are smiling, standing or sitting up straight, looking upward, and breathing deeply, it is almost impossible to sustain a negative attitude. Act positive physically and you will be positive. You’ll see the good things around you. You’ll interact better with other people. Think about it, who would you rather deal with, someone who is slumped over and looking down at the ground, or someone who is sincerely cheerful, smiling, looking up, and full of positive energy.
Have you ever looked at someone and known immediately that they were depressed? Of course. It is easy to spot. So, if you don’t want to be depressed, don’t act depressed. It works every time. If you want to be joyful, act joyfully.
Try it right now. Experience the contrast for yourself. First, look down, slump over, put a scowl on your face, and say “things are terrible.” That feels awful, doesn’t it? I mean.. Grrr, I felt it over here! Now, sit up, look upward, put a big smile on your face and say with excitement and passion “this is a great day and I feel absolutely fantastic.” Notice how much better you feel? I know I do.. Cause, it really works.
Sit up straight, throw your shoulders back, take a deep breath, look up.. live your life with energy, passion, and joy.. because the direction of your focus is the direction your life will move.
For more daily doses of inspiration, connect with Ramel at
03 - Ramel Werner's "Back in the Day" uploaded by Designed2Prosper
And to learn more about Ramel and his music you can visit his site at http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/ramelmusic
Monday, August 15, 2011
"Forgive Me Success"
What is success?
When I was younger, I always would ask myself this question. I always had this inner drive to do great things, but I felt that success was so far away from me because of the material possessions I lacked. Growing up, living in the ghettos of Jersey City, NJ and Miami, Fl, success to me seemed to be what I saw the drug dealers, pimps and business owners having. The drug dealers would have many cars, the pimps would have many good looking women and the business owners seemed to have a lot of money and a happy family. With being the 4th son of a single mother of 5, public transportation was the norm. Pretty women seemed to be far away because I didn't have the best of clothes and a lot of money was only considered to be had around income tax time from my mom.(laughs) But as I have grown and matured from the plights of chasing money, women and nice cars, I have discovered that success was not in what I was chasing. Being now a business owner, author and inspirational speaker, I discovered that success is only measured by how you live out your purpose. To live out your purpose, it requires that you have a vision for your life to manifest your purpose to the world. BUT WAIT!! I know what you're asking right now. You're asking "how can I find my purpose and develop a vision for my life to truly become successful?" I'll let my book, "Forgive Me, Success: Life Guide 101" do the speaking for its self.
Don't be successfully wrong, be successful towards your predestined God Given destiny.
To learn more about Darius Brown and his ministry please visit his website at www.dariusviceroybrown.com
When I was younger, I always would ask myself this question. I always had this inner drive to do great things, but I felt that success was so far away from me because of the material possessions I lacked. Growing up, living in the ghettos of Jersey City, NJ and Miami, Fl, success to me seemed to be what I saw the drug dealers, pimps and business owners having. The drug dealers would have many cars, the pimps would have many good looking women and the business owners seemed to have a lot of money and a happy family. With being the 4th son of a single mother of 5, public transportation was the norm. Pretty women seemed to be far away because I didn't have the best of clothes and a lot of money was only considered to be had around income tax time from my mom.(laughs) But as I have grown and matured from the plights of chasing money, women and nice cars, I have discovered that success was not in what I was chasing. Being now a business owner, author and inspirational speaker, I discovered that success is only measured by how you live out your purpose. To live out your purpose, it requires that you have a vision for your life to manifest your purpose to the world. BUT WAIT!! I know what you're asking right now. You're asking "how can I find my purpose and develop a vision for my life to truly become successful?" I'll let my book, "Forgive Me, Success: Life Guide 101" do the speaking for its self.
Don't be successfully wrong, be successful towards your predestined God Given destiny.
To learn more about Darius Brown and his ministry please visit his website at www.dariusviceroybrown.com
Monday, August 8, 2011
"Hey God"
By nature I internalize everything. Meaning I take every moment of my life and think about it, trying to make sense of it, before I open up to someone about it. When it came to this song "Hey GOD" I remember very clearly not doing that at all. It was sort of like a therapy session I had with GOD over music. I just really poured out personal feelings hoping He and I would understand them better after. To be honest, sometimes I use it as a time capsule, listening back to remember how I felt at that moment in my life. I find myself relating to it again and again at different times. It's funny, if you listen to it closely you'll hear the internal conflict most creative people struggle with. It's by far one, of the songs I've heard friends, family and fans connect with on a personal level. I hope it does the same with you... GOD Bless!
Breyan Isaac's "HEY GOD" uploaded by Designed2Prosper
Don't be the ONLY ONE who DOESN'T own "Extraordinarily Average" Breyan Isaac's debut album!! Click the Amazon link below to get it Today!!
Book Breyan Today!: scheduleme@gmail.com
Watch More Of Breyan:
Breyan Isaac's "HEY GOD" uploaded by Designed2Prosper
Don't be the ONLY ONE who DOESN'T own "Extraordinarily Average" Breyan Isaac's debut album!! Click the Amazon link below to get it Today!!
Book Breyan Today!: scheduleme@gmail.com
Watch More Of Breyan:
Monday, August 1, 2011
Before You Work Out, Exercise
I’ve been working in the fitness industry for fourteen years and have witnessed people achieve the body of their dreams just to have it dissipate in half the time it took for them to achieve it. So I began to examine my own life and the lives of some of my closest friends and clients with the intention to find out why the body of their dreams would elude them so quickly. What I discovered was two things. First is that the body is not just skin, organs, muscles, and bones. It is an energy system that stores our dominant thoughts and emotions deep within the tissues and cells of the anatomy. Ultimately it is this "storage" process that sends out energetic vibrations into the universe that attract to us people, relationships, and all of our life experiences. The second thing I discovered was that external modifications which precede internal healing can only be temporary and rarely lead to the fulfillment that we seek.
In an effort to clean up my own life I decided to do a little exercising of my own. I was led to undergo a forty day process of self evaluation which manifested into my first book, Before You Work Out, Exercise:40 days of working it out mentally and spiritually. The term before you work out, exercise simply means sort through internal discord before you make material changes. Examples of exercise could be forgiveness, finding your purpose, and developing your relationship with God. Examples of working out can be buying a new home, buying a new car, or getting married.
I used to be the queen of working out, changing my body, my hair, buying new cars, and jumping in and out of relationships. I’ve changed cities and even went to another country! Then I realized that no matter what I do or where I go I still have to take me with me, and ultimately I attract me at every turn. When I realized this I decided to exercise first and then work out!
Before You Work Out, Exercise is a memoir which tells the stories of love and physical fitness. In it you find daily insights as well as affirmative prescriptions, and inspiring stories that will empower you to manifest the life that you truly desire. Before You Work Out, Exercise has been a blessing on my life and my prayer is that it blesses you the same. My personal journey continues and has now become a beautiful spiritual adventure because I have given full reigns to Spirit!
Today I work as a holistic fitness practitioner helping people live a balanced and healthy life incorporating fitness, nutrition, forgiveness, self acceptance and energy work into their program.
To learn more about Nadirah and how she can help you achieve a more balanced and healthy lifestyle, please visit her website at beforeyouworkoutexercise.blogspot.com
To learn more about Nadirah and how she can help you achieve a more balanced and healthy lifestyle, please visit her website at beforeyouworkoutexercise.blogspot.com
Monday, July 25, 2011
I Choose You: The Story Behind The Song
I first sang "I Choose You" in tears, in my car, while making a U-turn. The song was of course not properly formed. It had no structure to it, just verse chorus verse...just me realizing that my heart was wavering. I basically had a heart divided. I talked to God about pretty much everything. I had the faith for almost anything. I just didn't know that I began to become complacent about one thing...this "guy/relationship". Because I was waiting for so long I started to let compromise ease its way in. So being in a relationship with God, but cheating on Him when I felt the need to, or was it the other way around? Whoever got more attention...it didn't matter. He (God) made it quite clear that night that I had to make a choice, and I think we were arguing in the car and I said well God...you know my situation...I am trying...but I've been waiting too long. You know I have desires. You know you are my King in heaven but I live here on earth. I decided to justify my cheating or my situation based on Him not coming through, but He wasn't having that and so He told me "Choose today who You want to be with". I knew very well that I wasn't just going to hang out with my boyfriend. I knew that if I went there it would be sheets. I was making the choice to go, but His voice was so clear that I couldn't ignore it. His voice wasn't a threatening voice of "if you don't choose me then you are doomed". It was more of a voice that said "Kris, I want you, but I want you to choose me". I think that's when my heart turned and I bawled out saying..."I Choose You...I promise". So that night I sang to Him "I Choose You, You are the King of my Desire, I place You on the throne of my heart, Never again...will I stray...away...I'll stay forever and a day". I guess it was me asking Him to trust me with this vow. It was not an easy decision but I'm glad I made it. Writing that song didn't make it easier. However, It has helped me to make better choices. When temptation comes I hear that song. It's kind of like a wedding anthem. Sometimes I listen and sometimes I ignore, but I believe that he created that song as a bond-proposal between Him and me along with all of His beloveds. He just wants us to know that He loves us so much and He wants to be first and not second. So whenever I hear this song, its not so much ooh...the vow I made, I better obey. I just simply remember "wow He loves me so much, He wants to be first, He cares so much and wants nothing less". Still today in my singlehood I pray that I can return His love as I make the choice everyday to "Choose You".
Monday, July 18, 2011
From Trial to Triumph
So often we as women allow ourselves to be stagnant because of past hurts, struggles, and disappointments. We go through things in life and we allow those things to dictate our outcomes, but who says we have to live Life on Life's terms? Who says we have to settle for mediocrity and less than the absolute best because we've been dealt a crappy hand? For so long, I allowed situations in my life to hold me back. I lost myself in the grind of daily living, got caught up in trying to keep my head above water, and when life wasn’t the issue, fear was there to make matters much worse.
I lived for a very long time with such a complex… so talented, yet completely convinced that I was only as good as what I could do for others to make them happy, never mind my own happiness.
After a very challenging 2 years, that broke me down to nothing emotionally, I became a bit of a recluse as I worked to rebuild myself from the inside out. It’s not easy to lose the one thing you spent more than 13 years preparing for, it’s not easy to go through the turmoil and still maintain faith, hope, trust in God and belief that there is a purpose behind the loss.
I believe that I hit rock bottom. Bottom is different for everyone but my bottom was also my wake up call. I had to stop… Stop helping everybody else, stop remaining friends with people who only used me, hurt me, depleted me, and then treated me as out of sight out of mind. I took stock in myself and discovered that there is a lot in me that is aching to get out and though I suffered great loss to get to this point there has to be recompense. I discovered that there was a woman within me getting shoved aside, lost in a sea of EVERYTHING, jumping, waving, screaming REMEMBER ME? I chose to Rescue Her!
My first step was to begin to purge and as I purged I chronicled my journey so I’d have something to look back on during difficult days and also to help others. After purging I got active researching. I am highly creative with many visions and I once had a passion for business that I felt being rekindled. My research lead me to reopening my business, legitimately and each day I press towards one success at a time. I realize that though I’ve suffered much devastation in my 32 years of living, it has all been for this season in my life that I am now entering. I’m much stronger! My Event Planning Business 'Xquisite Artistry' www.xquisiteartistry.com is just step one in my journey to triumph. Real soon, I will LEAP into Much More!
Though my thoughts are vague my heart is in these words and I hope that you can read deeply between the lines and find your healing as well. Don’t let the turmoil you face in life have the final say… Pick yourself up and begin your own journey From Trial to Triumph!
Monday, July 11, 2011
The Introduction: The Anthem
Good Day Everyone! I want to thank you all for taking time out to read my blog. I put this site up early last month, but with the efforts of trying to get my memoir published, I had to put this on hold until now. The vision I have for this blog is to pretty much be an avenue where Hope is built, Dreams are inspired, and Vision is encouraged via others testimonies, whether it be in written or music form. While going through my many trials in my life, books and music were the gateway to my healing process. If you look in the background of this site, you will see many books. All those books represent someone's story. We all have a story that needs to be told to help someone else. Here's one delivered by Kirk Franklin entitled "Look at me now". There's a line that stood out for me that goes "everyone wants the prize but can't stand the pain". Isn't that the truth? Well consider this truth...Pain is only temporary...but quitting is forever.
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